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Aid for Trade

Another part of the Czech Development Cooperation consists of projects called Aid for Trade. These projects fall under the responsibility of Ministry of Industry and Trade. Based on the interest and needs of the partner countries, the projects are directed to priority countries according to Czech Development Cooperation.

Within the Aid for Trade projects,  relatively small projects with a duration up to 1 year are implemented. The purpose of the projects is to help developing countries to integrate better into the international trading system and to use trade more effectively in order to reduce poverty. The purpose of these projects is to transfer experience, information, know-how and advices on specialized topics to help partner countries to facilitate trade, to aid state administration in the formulation and implementation of rules of the domestic market, to remove administrative barriers, to promote a business climate, to develop market institutions including the financial sector, etc.

An overview of current projects for 2020 can be found on the website of the  Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.