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Czech Criminal History Record

(This article expired 31.10.2021.)

How to submit the application for Czech criminal history record


Bring your passport or another ID and visit the Consulate during our business hours from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm (Don't forget to make an appoitment - by e-mail or by telephone). We will send your request electronically and you will receive the criminal history record the same day.

IMPORTANT - You must have a birth number of the Czech Republic if you want to apply personally for the criminal history record and get it the same day.

Consular FEE (162b Czech Criminal History Record)

Cash or money order payable to the "Czech Consulate" is required. Sorry but we cannot accept personal checks.


Step 1
Print out this Czech Criminal History Record (PDF, 218 KB) and fill the following items:
"Jméno a původní (rodné) příjmení" = your first name, middle name and last name at the time of birth
"Nynější příjmení" = your present last name
"Rodné číslo" = your Czech social security number (you don't need to fill it except you already know this number)
"Den, měsíc a rok narození" = your date of birth in this order Day, Month and Year (for example if you were born on May 06, 1954 enter 6.5.1954)
"Místo narození" = your place of birth (please enter the same what you have written in your passport)
"Okres" = country of your birth (for example if you were born in the United States enter USA)
"Pohlaví Muž Žena" = your sex (if you are male cross out the word "Žena", if you are female cross out the word "Muž")
"Státní občanství" = country of your citizenship (if you are citizen of the United States enter USA)
"Jméno a příjmení otce" = first name, middle name and present last name of your father
"Jméno a příjmení matky" = first name, middle name and present last name of your mother
"Rodné příjmení matky" = last name of your mother at the time of birth (i.e. maiden name)
"Trvalý pobyt žadatele" = address of your permanent residence
"Podpis žadatele" = your signature

Step 2
Enclose your valid passport or valid state ID. Photograph in your passport or ID must be up-to-date.

Step 3
EncloseConsular FEE (162b Czech Criminal History Record) - Cash or money order payable to the "Czech Consulate" is required. Sorry but we cannot accept personal checks.

Step 4
It takes approximately 7-8 weeks to obtain the Czech criminal history record. Upon the receipt of your record from the Czech Republic we will immediately inform you and you can pick it up personally or we will mail it to you.