Location of the Consulate General

You can find us in the Michigan Plaza Building in the proximity of the Millennium Park. The address is 205 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1680, Chicago, IL 60601.

Michigan Plaza BldgMichigan Plaza Bldg

Opening hours

Consulate General is opened to  public from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from Monday to Thursday with the exeption of public holidays, extended hours are on Wednesdays 1:30 pm  to 5:00 pm.

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago would like to inform the public that, for safety reasons, the following new rules for entering the Michigan Plaza Building, where the Consulate General of the Czech Republic is located, apply:

Entering various areas of the building through turnstiles will be allowed only with an access identification badge that will be issued in the lobby of the building and only upon the advance registration information provided by the Consulate. Therefore we ask all visitors of the Czech Consulate to kindly register at 312-861-1037 or e-mail: consulate_chicago@mzv.cz. Everyone needs to provide their first and last name, date and hour of the planned visit.

After entering the building the receptionist will check each visitor’s picture I.D. and will issue an electronic access card with a limited time of validity. In case of emergency and without a prior registration please contact the receptionist of the building directly for a full check-in registration procedure on the spot. We are looking forward to your visit.