Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic 2002


The full text of the Report is available on Google books.


Dear readers

We are pleased to present the fourth summary Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic, providing a detailed review of the results of the Czech Republic's diplomatic activities in 2002. In the period described in this document, a number of events took place in both the local and the international arena that have influenced the development of the Czech Republic's foreign political activities. The most fundamental event was the parliamentary elections, which gave rise to a new government. Despite the ensuing changes, however, the long-term orientation of the country's foreign policy has been retained, focusing on the Czech Republic's active involvement within the framework of the international community of security, peace and solidarity. That the Czech Republic is a firm and respected pillar of the community was clearly confirmed in the wake of last year's devastating floods, the aftermath of which was successfully cleaned up thanks to prompt, effective international assistance.
Considerable progress was achieved last year in the priority areas of the Czech Republic's foreign policy - efforts aimed at integration into the European Union, active participation in transatlantic co-operation, and the development of good neighbourly relations. Czech diplomacy has succeeded in meeting the challenges encountered in the critical moments of its recent history, including the organisation of the NATO Summit in Prague and the final stage of negotiations on the terms and conditions for the country's accession to the European Union, which were completed at the Copenhagen Summit in December 2002. These, and many other activities of the Czech Republic in the field of international relations, are described in this publication.

Cyril Svoboda
Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Czech Republic


Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic 2002 1 MB pdf (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 7, 2009
