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Аб'яўлены конкурс “New Economic Talent”

(Архіўны артыкул, тэрмін дзеяння скончаны 15.02.2015.)

Цэнтр эканамічных даследаванняў (CERGE-EI) аб'яўляе конкурс “New Economic Talent” з мэтай падтрымаць цікавасць да даследаванняў у эканамічнай галіне.

Конкурс з'яўляецца міжнародным, праводзіцца на англійскай мове і арыентаваны на самы шырокі круг удзельнікаў (студэнты-бакалаўры і магістры розных спецыяльнасцей, у тым ліку не эканамічных). Адною з асноўных пераваг конкурсу для яго пераможцаў будзе магчымасць атрымаць практычныя водгукі на сваю конкурсную працу і ўсталяваць кантакты, якія могуць стаць вырашальнымі для далейшай даследчай дзейнасці.

Больш падрабязна аб умовах конкурсу:

New Economic Talent 2014

Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) and Nadace CERGE-EI invite university students to submit papers to the New Economic Talent competition. The competition is open to Bachelor's and Master's students (full-time or part-time) in any field, who are interested in contemporary economic issues and wish to understand better the forces and processes that ‘shape the world’.

The competition is international, has two rounds, and its working language is English. Applicants submit a complete paper and an extended abstract to the first round. Selected finalists present their papers at CERGE-EI, Prague, in the second round. The topic of the paper can be in any sub-field of Economics, broadly defined. Papers will be judged based on originality, substance, analytical nature, and clarity of writing.

Prize for the winner consists of $1,000 USD, a trip to one of the next Global Development Network conferences to present the winning paper, and VIP tickets to CERGE-EI’s special events, such as the Distinguished Speaker Series and the Graduation Gala.

Deadline for submissions is April 15, 2014.

Papers and extended abstracts should be sent to talent@cerge-ei.cz.

Further details (including detailed conditions) can be found at www.cerge-ei.cz/talent