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ONE WORLD 2012: Our School

Date: 18 May 2012 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Venue: CZECH PERMANENT REPRESENTATION TO THE EU, Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Bruxelles

Scoala Noastra / Film by Mona Nicoara, Miruna Coca-Cozma / USA, Switzerland / 2011 / 90 min.

Our School is the story of relations between the Roma and the majority population of a small town in northern Romania. It follows three Roma children as they struggle to break the barriers of segregation. Alin, Beni and Dana are sent from a dilapidated school in an outlying Roma neighbourhood to a mainstream school, where they each experience integration differently. The teachers do not know what to do with Alin, who is a restless student. He gets little support from his parents and he sometimes skips class in frustration, instead of going to school. Beni is behind academically. He succeeds in making friends with his Romanian peers and works hard to catch up in school. Dana, one of the best students from the segregated school, but quits school because of marriage and motherhood. Their captivating and often funny stories illuminate the complex cycle of poverty and discrimination and the dynamics of race relations everywhere in the world.

Guests will include Martin Demirovski, Open Society Institute, and Nele Meyer from the ESCR (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) department of Amnesty International European Institutions Office.

The event is being held in cooperation with Movies that Matter and Amnesty International Belgium.


Film trailer.

This screening is part of the One World in Brussels 2012 film festival.