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2nd Annual Summer Camp for Children and Youth with the Czech Language instruction

(This article expired 31.12.2013.)

The article provides information about projects supported by the Office of the Special Commissioner for Czechs Living Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic that will take place in 2013.

We would like to inform you about new projects supported by the Office of the Special Commissioner for Czechs Living Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic that will take place in 2013. The projects are designed not only for Czech compatriot societies but also graduates of Czech universities and other people interested in Czech studies.

During the summer 2013 the 2nd Annual Summer Camp for Children and Youth with Czech language instruction (21.7.-3.8.2013) will take place in Říčany u Prahy. The camp is designed for children between the ages of 12-17 years old and is organized by civic association Seven Rays. For more information please visit The parents can send the applications directly to There is no recommendation letter by the Embassy requested with your application.

Czech compatriot societies will also organize two competitions for children. The first one is an initiative of the Czech society called Čeština na Islandu /Czech language in Iceland/ called The 1st Annual International, but All-Czech Short Story Competition: “The Country Where I Live”. The competition is designed for all children, who live abroad and whose first or second language is Czech. All information can be found at or directly from the organizer of the competition at

International competition Český Honza /Czech Johnny/ originated in California and all children from around the world between the ages of 6-18 years old who speak Czech can participate. The competition is only available on the internet at in different categories as creative and written design.

In September 2013 the 7th International Czech Compatriot Festival, organized by the civic association Seven Rays, will take place in Prague. The festival is designated for Czech compatriot societies, groups but also individuals as participants or/and guests. For information please visit

The festival will be followed by a conference called “New Emigration from the Czech Republic after 1989 and the Policy of Returns". The event is organized under the auspices of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

For more information about the activities of the Special Commissioner for Czechs Living Abroad Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic please go to In the annex please find a letter from the commissioner and also promotions for the competitions “The Country Where I Live” and “Czech Johnny").


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