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Doing bussines in the Czech Republic

The server www.doingbusiness.cz is designed for foreign entities interested in information about Czech enterprises or trade with them. The server regularly publishes specialized information on trade opportunities with the Czech Republic in different regions and industrial sectors, and also news. An important part is formed by the company contacts listed in a directory of exporters.

Czech Trade 

National promotion agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic http://www.czechtrade.cz/

The Czech Trade agency is an official contact partner for the foreign companies looking for qualified Czech-based suppliers of products, providers of services or investors. The main objective is to promote the internationalization of Czech companies by facilitating their cooperation links with foreign entrepreneurs.

Czech Invest

Investment and Business Development Agency


Czech Invest is the investment and business development agency of the Czech Republic whose services and development programmes contribute to attracting foreign investment and to developing Czech companies.

Czech Tourism


Agency for promotion of tourism and awareness about touristic possibilities in Czech Republic.

Czech Service International


CZECH  SERVICE INTERNATIONALis an alliance of leading Czech private companies in the area of services, which reacts dynamically, through its activities and focus on the globalisation of the world economy, to the export-oriented economy of the Czech State, and simultaneously to the growing demands of Czech export and investment companies which are seeking new markets for their products and projects. CSI, with its establishment and focus, greatly promotes on the practical level the public diplomacy of the State and its institutions in their effort to assist Czech businesses to take over and carry on where the possibilities of State support are limited or virtually at an end.

Czech Service International maintains a complex worldwide service in more than 174 countries of the world. It relies on 18 500 professionals, who are fully prepared to ensure complex local services for Czech businessmen in coordination with Czech Service International