Photo: MZV ČR

Unveiling of the memorial plaque of the 17th Fusilier Battalion

On 7 October 2022, the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in honour of the 17th Fusilier Battalion in Liège, Wallonia, took place.

The plaque serves to commemorate the acts of the 17th Fusilier Battalion that participated in the liberation of the city of Pilsen on 6 May 1945. The ceremony was opened with speeches by the Czech Ambassador in Brussels Pavel Klucký, the Mayor of Liège Willy Demeyer, the Honorary Consul in Liège Serge Mantovani and the City Councilor of Pilsen Veronika Jilichová Nová. At the same time, a contemporary witness of the liberation of the city of Pilsen in 1945 was present together with war veterans of the 17th Fusilier Battalion. The memorial plaque is a symbolic gift from the city of Pilsen commemorating not only the heroic deeds of the 17th Fusilier Battalion during the liberation of the city of Pilsen but also the establishment of partnership relations with the city of Liège in 1947. The event took place in the Enclos des fusillés de Liège cemetery in the park of the citadel of Liège, where 415 graves of those killed by the Wehrmacht or the Waffen-SS during the Second World War are located, together with the grave of the chaplain of the citadel of Liège. 


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