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Links to Useful Websites

The links to useful websites related to trade and economic issues in the Czech Republic are provided at www.businessinfo.cz and regularly updated by CzechTrade - the trade promotion agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Prague.

The links to useful websites related to trade and economic issues in the Czech Republic are provided at www.businessinfo.cz and regularly updated by CzechTrade - the trade promotion agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Prague.

Basic Information

www.czech.cz - The offcicial web-site of the Czech Republic.
www.mpo.cz - The most comprenhensive information about Czech industry and trade can be found on the Ministry's web-site.
www.mzv.cz - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Business Information

www.businessinfo.cz - Czech business portal. The official site for business professionals.
www.doingbusiness.cz - Information about doing business in the Czech Republic, business climate, economy, etc.
www.czechtrade.cz - National Trade Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
www.czechinvest.cz - Investment and Business Development Agency.
www.enterprise-ireland.com - Enterprise Ireland in the Czech Republic - Embassy of Ireland (Commercial Section)

Company Directories

www.inform.cz - Database of Czech export companies ready to offer their products and services. Detailed information.
http://exporters.czechtrade.cz/en/- Directory of Czech exporting companies provided by CzechTrade.
www.kompass.com - The Kompass database of companies.

Selected Professional Associations

www.komora.cz - Economic Chamber of Commerce.
www.hkp.cz - The Prague Economic Chamber.
- Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce.
www.spcr.cz - Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.
www.autosap.cz - Automotive Industry Association.
www.sst.cz - Association of Engineering Technology.
www.atok.cz - Association of Textile, Clothing and Leather Industry.
www.askpcr.cz - Association of Glass and Ceramics Industry.

Economic Information

www.cnb.cz - Czech National Bank.
www.czso.cz - Czech Statistical Office.

Czech Press in English

www.ceskenoviny.cz/news - Czech Happenings.
www.financninoviny.cz/english- Economic news in English.
www.radio.cz/en - The International service of Czech Radio.