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Projev ministra zahraničních věcí Jakuba Kulhánka na 15. zasedání Konference OSN o obchodu a rozvoji, UNCTAD 15

(Archivní článek, platnost skončena 31.10.2023.)

Ve středu, 6. října 2021, pronesl ministr Jakub Kulhánek formou videozáznamu projev na 15. zasedání Konference OSN o obchodu a rozvoji, UNCTAD 15.

15. zasedání Konference OSN o obchodu a rozvoji bylo zahájeno dne 4. října 2021 v Bridgetownu, na Barbadosu. Hlavními tématy jednání byly rovnoprávnost k přístupu k vakcínám, boj s obchodním protekcionismem, zadluženost, klimatické změny a další aktuální globální problémy. 

Níže přinášíme projev ministra Jakuba Kulhánka v plném znění.

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a privilege to speak on behalf of the Czech Republic on the occasion of the 15thUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 

The conference is taking place in a difficult time of global pandemic that has been taking a tremendous human, social and economic toll on population worldwide. Tackling the pandemic is a great challenge for all and requires global cooperation. It gives us an opportunity to build back better, leaving no one behind. All member states should pursue a coordinated action and involve all stakeholders. 

A strong multilateral trading system is more important now than ever before. Trade and development cooperation is instrumental for sustainable and inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction. A rules based open, transparent and predictable multilateralism enables disrupted global supply chains to recover faster and grow stronger. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to encourage fair, sound and robust competition and consumer protection policies. As UNCTAD is the focal point within the United Nations system for the integrated treatment of trade and development, we would also like to stress the importance of the 2030 Agenda. We also strongly advocate for SDG 16. Its goals should be at the core of the recovery process.Good governance, rule of law, transparency and anti-corruption policies are prerequisites for successful recovery and further development after the Covid-19 pandemic. We also have to include women and youth in the decision-making processes concerning the post pandemic recovery. 

To conclude, let me reassure you that the Czech Republic is a proud and active member of the international community supporting our partners through development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and transformation policy. We are ready to actively participate in UNCTAD XV and contribute to successful and positive outcomes based on a global partnership for development. Thank you.


Ministr Jakub Kulhánek - projev na UNCTAD 15 10 MB MP4 (FILE_TYPE_MP4) 9.10.2021