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Company and Branch Registration Procedure

This article provides basic information about the procedure of registering branch, commercial representation office and required documents for foreign companies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.


- It is strongly advised to seek local legal assistance.

- Companies registered within the territories of the Iraqi Federal Government cannot perform its duties unless the company is registered in the Kurdistan Region (Directorate of Company Registration).

- Company registration fees and expenses vary from the type of business and company’s activities.

  1. Request must be taken to register the branch company and should be written on company’s letterhead.
  2. A certification of Registration Company which issued and registered by authorities in the mother country and it must be sealed by Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.
  3. A copy of establishing contract of company or all real documents by authority in original country and it must be signed by each founder or legal representatives and it must be arranged according to article rules of companies law in the mother country and it must be sealed by the Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.
  4. A formal letter from the company’s head office signed by authorized person or the manager of the company sealed by the Iraqi embassy at the country of origin. Insure all information and implying responsibility of the branch in the Kurdistan region and appointing an authorized manager, legal agent and authorized employee who must be present in front of the Registrar of Companies. All three persons must have residency in the Kurdistan Region. Please check below format:

We are (Company’s name) have all the financial and legal responsibilities of the branch of our branch company in the Iraqi Kurdistan region and appoint Mr. (person’s name) as an authorized manager of the branch company and define his powers. And Mr. (lawyer name) a legal agent for the branch company and Mr. (person’s name) employee to charge registration of branch company’s work. Our activities in Kurdistan region will be (activities).

  • if the legal agent is the same person as charging the work of the registration of the branch company then only mention his name for both works. Be certified by Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.
  1. Provide final financial account of the company for the last one year. It must be sealed by the Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.
  2. All required documents must be written in Arabic language and offering translated documents in the original country in Arabic language and sealed by Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.
  3. An authorized leasing contract for the office of Branch Company in Kurdistan.
  4. Checking the location of the company’s office according to the leasing contract by the checking staff.
  5. To inform the retail side which has relation with the activity of the company mentioned in the contract of the company if needed as mentioned in article (18) of companies’ law.
  6. Contract of the lawyer (legal consultant) supported by lawyer syndicate in Kurdistan region.
  7. Contract of the accountant supported by accountant syndicate in the Kurdistan region.
  8. Contract of the engineer supported by engineering syndicate in the Kurdistan region. If the company is for contracts or construction.
  9. Filling form for registering a branch company to a responsible employee.
  10. Submitting a copy of the passport for the authorized manager of the branch and authorized person for registration if they are foreigners or the identity card if they are Iraqi national.
  11. Finishing all these required documents and putting them in a box file and submit it to the responsible employee at the company registration office in Erbil.