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Education in the Czech Republic incl. System of Scholarship

Description of the educational system of the Czech Republic in english language is on disposal on down mentioned web pages f.e.

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, European Integration Department (Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Praha 1, www.msmt.cz)

Czech Educational Institute - UIV (Ústav pro informace ve vzdělání - www.uiv.cz, Mezinárodní aktivity, Eurydice)

Higher Education in the Czech Republic - Centrum pro studium vysokého školství ( CSVŠ - www.csvs.cz/_en, Higher Education)

Recognition of received education - CSVŠ na www.naric.cz

Scholarship by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, European Integration Department - www.msmt.cz (Mezinárodní vztahy, International Co-operation),

In part "Study at Institutions of Higher Education, Public Institutions of Higher Education" is a list of public high schools incl.their contacts

Recognition of Professional Qualification in the Czech Republic of EU and other EEA nationals na www.msmt.cz in part "Evropská unie, Uznávání kvalifikací a vzdělání")

Erasmus Guide, Education and Culture Socrates, Socrates National Agency in the Czech Republic (U Lužického semináře 13, 118 01 Praha 1, e-mail: info@socrates.cz, www.socrates.cz)