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Meeting of Ambassador Pavel Hrnčíř with students of the Czech School and members of the Czech Sokol in Toronto

Ambassador Pavel Hrnčíř met with students of the Czech School and he also met representative and chairman of Toronto Sokol Organization.

On September 29, Ambassador Pavel Hrnčíř met with students of the Czech School in Toronto. He read them samples of his books for children and gave them a brief knowledge test about the facts of the Czech Republic in connection with the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Czechoslovakia. The ambassador's wife, painter Veronika Holcová, organized an art workshop for the students. Ambassador appreciated the wide knowledge of children gained under the pedagogical leadership of Jana Holubová.

The Ambassador also met representative of Toronto Sokol Organization, Věra Tichá and the chairman of the All-Canada Sokol Organization, Robert Tmej. The Ambassador took part in the training of Sokol´s members.


Ambassador Pavel Hrnčíř in Toronto