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Záštita nad POCORART World Exhibition „Chance and Necessity and ….“ – Liberating raw expression of artists and people with / without disabilities

(Archivní článek, platnost skončena 31.12.2023 / 20:28.)

Velvyslanec České republiky uděluje záštitu POCORART World Exhibition „Chance and Necessity and ….“ – Liberating raw expression of artists and people with / without disabilities, která se bude konat od 16. července do 5. září 2021 v 3331 Arts Chiyoda v Tokiu.

Záštita nad POCORART World Exhibition „Chance and Necessity and ….“ – Liberating raw expression of artists and people with / without disabilities

Záštita nad POCORART World Exhibition „Chance and Necessity and ….“ – Liberating raw expression of artists and people with / without disabilities