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Trade and Economy

BVV Trade Fairs Brno 2021


BVV Trade Fairs Brno is one of the most prominent trade fairs organizers in Central and Eastern European countries. Its core business activity is organizing of trade fairs and exhibitions at the Brno exhibition centre and providing exhibition… more ►

Results - Approved Proposals of Small Scale Development Projects for 2021


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Pretoria would like to thank all participants for the call for proposals of small development projects for 2021 and inform that only 1 project in Angola has been selected for 2021. more ►

Presentation of Czech defence-related manufacturers for SANDF and SAPS


Renowned Czechia based manufactures of defence-related technologies presented their products to the variety of South African key stakeholders including South African National Defence Forces (SANDF) and South African Police Service (SAPS). The… more ►

Online seminar: Energy Sector Overview and Opportunities in Czechia and South Africa


Energy sector related companies and institutions are hereby encouraged to take part in the online seminar “Energy Sector Overview & Opportunities in Czechia and South Africa” which is held on 8 October 2020 from 10:00 a.m. via MS… more ►

Czech Manufacturers Helping To Battle COVID-19 Across The Globe


Since the first reported COVID-19 case, Czechia has been able to contain and treat the global pandemic with high efficiency. Government, companies, and ordinary citizens all united against the common enemy. Due to the immediate response across… more ►

CoroVent: Czech open-source ventilator for COVID-19 patients


Swift reaction of numerous Czech stakeholders resulted in a successful collaboration introducing an open-source lung ventilator as a response the current COVID-19 pandemic. Laboratory tests were conducted and 500 pcs for the Czech Republic… more ►

Astonishing The World With Czechia’s Unique Jewellery


Czechia is one of the global jewellery manufacturing leaders with the total exports of jewellery products amounting to 1 billion EUR annually. Czechia has an abundant tradition in glass jewellery making, today primarily done by Preciosa Group in… more ►

Czechia Golf & Business VIP Day 2019 and quality presentation of Czech companies


On a beautiful golf morning of 31 October diplomats, military atachés, representatives of SA Army and Government and other important guests and players gathered together with SA and Czech companies to take part in an exciting networking and… more ►

4th Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation between Czechia and South Africa with South African business delegation at International Engineering Fair


Meeting of the committee is co-chaired by DMs of industry and trade of both countries. Besides the government officials, the SA delegation consists of more than a dozen of companies and associations eager to meet their Czech counterparts during… more ►

Czech Crown Restaurant - Czech franchise concept wants to conquer African market


A Czech company CONTECHIN offers an unique concept of Czech restaurant CZECH CROWN with microbrewery and is looking for business partners to establish it in the Southern Africa. Within this concept your custumers will enjoy a taste of best beer,… more ►