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List of translators and interpreters

Translators and interpreters between Czech and Danish languages

Note: The list is not complete, and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen is not responsible for the quality of the executed work or the amount charged.

Authorized translators with Czech certification, which does not require further authorization when dealing with the Czech authorities.
Jana Blažková

Tel.: +420 602 321 212

E-mail: roseprague@gmail.com

Mgr. Ivona Černohausová

Tel.: +420 602 612 992

E-mail: cernohausova@seznam.cz, ivona.cernohausova@gmail.com

Skype: ivona.cernohausova

Mgr. Kateřina Haušildová Graneberg, Ph.D.

Tel.: +45 20 97 74 47

E-mail: katerina.hausildova@gmail.com, katerina.hausildova@seznam.cz

Mgr. Markéta Kliková

Tel: +420 606 908 078

E-mail: klikova.marketa@gmail.com


Authorized translators with Danish certification, which does not require further authorization when dealing with the Danish authorities.

Anna Burchardt

Tel.: +45 21 86 83 25

E-mail: anna@sproguniverset.dk


Ludmila Kristensen

Tel.: +45 21 75 66 77

E-mail: tjekmark@tjekmark.dk


Unauthorized translators
Helena Tichá Jensen

Tel.: +45 42 26 41 80

E-mail: helenka@youmail.dk

Jindra Jeppesen

Tel.: +45 40 15 86 57

E-mail: jjprag@gmail.com

Web: www.jindra.dk

Peter Makovini

Tel.: +45 42 40 43 80

E-mail: makovini.peter@gmail.com

M.A. et B.A. Lenka Škodová

Tel.: +45 21 60 29 67

E-mail: lenkaskodova@hotmail.com

Irena Tully

Tel.: +45 53 14 60 41

E-mail: prestige.films@yahoo.com


Andrea Urbanková


Tel.: +45 61 31 88 85

E-mail.: andreacz@hotmail.com